Well, if you are gung-ho on building this cool looking botanical garden, for what looks to be in celebration of going green month, you might be bummed out. Of course you can always store it in hopes that zynga will make something out of it one day, don't get your hopes up to much.
This time around it is easier to get the parts for the garden by simply sending a help request to your friends, they can than accept and it doesn't give them the parts as a gift that they may not need. If you do want to gift the items or just request a friend to help you with the items you need, here are the links:
Gift Floral Bracket to a friend
Request a friend to Help with the Floral Bracket

Gift Green Pillar to a friend
Request a friend to Help with the green pillar
Gift Irrigation Pipe to a friend
Request a friend to Help with the green pillar
Gift Glass Sheet to a friend
Request a friend to Help with the Glass Sheet
Gift the White Trellis
Request a friend to Help help with the white trellis
NOTE: It only costs 5,000 coins for the start-up of the garden, than you have friends gift you the items you need. You can than sell the garden for 6,000 coins and build another one if you want. I'm not sure what the point is but did decide to store my first garden and start another one. Getting the items I need for it is easy enough as it is.