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Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Sheep Pen and Pig Pen Trick

The following ram and ewe created a plain white ram


How to transfer your lamb and piglets from your home farm to your English Country Side Farm and back.

I was just sitting here looking at a few of my sheep on my home farm and realised that, hey you probably are able to build a sheep pen on your home farm, and sure enough you can, so I did.  A thought also came to me, that is, about when the English Country Side started and during the breeding of you sheep I remembered how if I refreshed my farm for any reason (such as the annoying farmville has enhanced message).  This happened during the breeding processes and  before placing my baby lamb on my farm, if I had to refresh it was just easy enough to go into my gift box and retrieve it from there.  It never dawned on me until now that what if I where to not place it on my farm, travel to my other farm and place it there, and sure enough it worked!

YOu don't have to actually refresh your farm, just these easy steps to move your baby lamb from one farm to another.

Mysterious Piglet
Mysterious Lamb

  1. Breed your sheep and ram or boar and pig
  2. Keep your baby lamb and/or piglet, but do not place it on your farm
  3. Select one of the tools, such as the hand tool or arrow tool.
  4. Travel to your other farm
  5. Open your gift box and select the mysterious baby lamb and/or piglet.  It will be black with the question mark on it
  6. Place it on your farm and start feeding it.

    On my home farm I have a few sheep from over time, such as the valentine sheep and the polka dotted sheep.  I bought a ram from the market to see what I would get if I breed that ram with my purple polka dotted sheep, but it simply gave me a plain white ram, interesting but something to fiddle with.

    Wednesday, April 6, 2011

    How to make your Farmville Avatar stand on items in farmville, such as a bridge

    My Avatar and dog are standing on the bridge
    It's actually pretty simple, just purchase the item you wish to have your avatar standing on, and position it where your avatar is standing when you first load the game.  As you can see from mine, both me and my dog are standing on the bridge, neat!

    The bridge of course costs farmville bucks, but these are the types of things that you want to choose carefully when spending FV bucks, it makes it more worthwhile.

    Don't have the FV bucks to purchase a bridge, than do this trick with any object with just a little maneuvering.  Horses, walls, fences, you name it, it will work.

    Here is one I did with the English Pavilion:

    FarmVille Avatar Standing in a pavilion

    Monday, April 4, 2011

    Now you can play your home farm and your English Country Side farm in FarmVille!

    After much huffing and puffing, and asking zygna why they would have us able to only play one farm at a time, they finally gave us what we want.  The cook thing about it is you have the choice to pause one farm while playing the other, or play both consecutively.

    Click on the farm you want to travel to

    Select "Change Option"

    Choice of you want to "Pause the current farm" before traveling to your home/english farm or select "Play Both Farms"
    Now that you are able to play both farms, this means now you can double up on everything. Double earning, double farmers market, double crafting.  Now hopefully zygna will get on the ball and start co-oping jobs on the English Country Side!

    Monday, March 28, 2011

    Farmville's English Country side, why haven't my crops grown and my animals aren't ready to harvest yet?!?

    FarmVille has finally introduced the English Country side, which is basically much the same as your home farm, just a few new extra things.  For those who save up your coins, you now need to start building your building that you have on your home farm. When you are ready to travel to your English Country Side Farm, you are already given the Sheep and Horse building, but those also need to be upgraded.

    The English country side is basically starting from scratch, and you will need to purchase the following:

    • Nursery (Build and Expand Storage)Baby Bottle, Baby blanket, Brick, Wooden Board and nail
    • Pig-pen (Build and Expand Storage) Brick, Wooden Board and nail
    • Vehicle garage (Build and expand storage) Brick, Wooden Board and nail you need vehicle parts to upgrade your vehicles
    • Animal Trough - Ready as is
    • Dairy farm (Expand Storage only) Ask Friends to join your barn raising
    • Barn (Expand Storage only) Ask friends to join your barn raising
    • Chicken coop (Expand storage only) Ask friends to join your barn raising
    • Storage Cellar Need 500 shovels
    • Duck Pond (Build and expand storage)  - Water cans and shovels

    • Farmer Market Stalls - You can have up to five stalls
    • English Pub - You need to earn levels to be able to upgrade to more available crafting tables
    • Sheep pen (Expand Storage) - Already on farm, need bricks, wooden board and nails to expand storage
    • Horse Stable (Expand Storage) - Already on farm, need bricks, wooden board, nails, horse shoe and harness
    Of Course, don't forget about your dog :)
      As you browse the market, you will see things that you may have already been using on your farm, such as the tree orchard for example.  The beehive is not available as of this date.

      I did notice, as some have may have already noticed, that when you are on one farm, your crops, animals and crafting are paused on the farm you are not on.  Lets say for example, after you travel over to the English country side, do what you need to do, than close your browser, everything will get ready to harvest on the English Country Side, but your home farm will be paused.  So if you go back ten hours later to harvest your crops on your home farm, but left the game while visiting the English Country Side, nothing on the home farm will be ready.  This includes harvesting your trees, animals, crops and even your Crafting table, everything has basically been paused.

      I am not sure if zygna is doing this intentionally or if it is some quirks they need to fix, but it can be a problem for those co-op jobs.  If you leave your home farm and sit on the English country side, your crops will not grow and this will possibly cause a problem with earning a medal for that job.

      The upside to this though is that if you need time to let your crops to grow, an example would be, if you might be going away for some time and are unable to visit your farm, than sure, go to the farm that has no crops and let the farm with the crops stay paused, but this may or may not stay for long.

      Sunday, March 27, 2011

      Gamers Unite! - Farmville/CafeWorld/FrontierVille/CityVille Snag Bar, snag those various items from the news feed while playing your game of choice!

      Updated post:

      I posted this last year, and just wanted to give those new farmville/frontierville friends and neighbor's a heads up on how they can earn more coins.  Now with FarmVille's new English Country Side farm, you are going to need all the help you can.  I have noticed that other gamers try the different types of snag bars out their for FarmVille, and all those do is leave advertisement's to use their snag bar in the comment of each and every item the person had successfully snagged...annoying!

      Since I last posted this, the snag bar has added some new options for what to snag.  The snag bar now works with, not just FarmVille, it also works with FrontierVille, CityVille and CafeWorld.

      There are people that do get upset when you use the snagbar, they feel that you should play the game like everybody else, but now with the changes in the games over time, these snag bars are as helpful to your game neighbours as much as they are to you.   Take FrontierVille for example, when you need to finish one of your missions and it seems that nobody will ever click on your request in the FaceBook news feed, players using this bar will fufill your request without even having to be there.  The snag bar also now offers to automatically accept requests in your game request section, but does not send the gifts back.

      Friday, February 4, 2011

      FarmVille Podcast - Feb 4th

      Get information about farmville's new releases and features. Information about the greenhouse that farmville is introducing.

      NOTE: These updates are being put into place at the moment and you are unable to log into your farm until the updates are complete.

      Monday, January 17, 2011

      How to get the mystery seedling that you want...everytime

      Harvesting and personalising your orchards.

      1. Start with a brand new empty orchard. 
      2. Add the trees that you want to produce the mystery seedling from. 

      Lets say you want to harvest bubble gum trees, that what you need to do than is add only bubble gum trees to your orchard.  If you did not know this already, when you look inside of your tree orchard you will see that there is a drop down box underneath the number of the particular trees that you placed in your orchard.  When you hoover your mouse over that tree, it tells you what mystery seedling it will produce during harvest.

      That is it, now all you need to do is start collecting those trees you want to harvest.  This is a great way to share those trees and seedlings with your friends.  It is also a great way to share with those special friends whenever you want to.

      If you are interested in receiving a particular tree, message me on facebook or leave a comment with your facebook name and I will personally try to send you that tree.