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Monday, April 4, 2011

Now you can play your home farm and your English Country Side farm in FarmVille!

After much huffing and puffing, and asking zygna why they would have us able to only play one farm at a time, they finally gave us what we want.  The cook thing about it is you have the choice to pause one farm while playing the other, or play both consecutively.

Click on the farm you want to travel to

Select "Change Option"

Choice of you want to "Pause the current farm" before traveling to your home/english farm or select "Play Both Farms"
Now that you are able to play both farms, this means now you can double up on everything. Double earning, double farmers market, double crafting.  Now hopefully zygna will get on the ball and start co-oping jobs on the English Country Side!What you need to get your English Country Side Started