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Monday, April 26, 2010

The Real Farmville Bonus Package

There is a bonus package again, this time you receive one goat, 3 Farmville bucks, one can of fuel and a bottle of un-wither.

So for those who keep seeing the messages that say so-n-so just received the farmville bonus package, but you can't figure out how, here is the real link and enjoy!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Links to send gifts for the horsestable - Brick, nail, woodenboard, harness and horseshoe

Here are the links to send the gifts for the horse stable.  Since most people completed their horse stable by now, a few of the lingering players still have quite a few things to go.  The worse part is that many of us do not have the horseshoe or harness in our gift area, so begging for these items is a common occurrence.

Here are the links to gift the items needed to complete your horse stable, good luck!


Friday, April 16, 2010

The Baby Bottle is not on my farmville wish/gift list, how do I send it to my friends?

As most of you may have noticed, when you try to gift certain items, the link isn't there or your friends maybe unable to gift the baby blanket, but they can gift the baby bottle and you do not need the baby bottle.
There is a work around to this problem, and here are the links:


Wooden Board

Baby Bottle



This way if your friends need the brick and it is not on your list, you can send it to them by following the above link and sending.

When we all awoke today and/or got onto facebook to play farmville, to our delight we where given a nursery to house our baby calf, foals and other variety of baby animals that farmville has to offer that we have on our farm.  What is even better is the ease of getting the items needed to finish the nursery and some of us have already finished it in just a few short hours!

So for those of us who ended up getting rid of most of our baby animals because of bandwidth and space, low and behold here is a home for the babies.


Thursday, April 15, 2010

New Facebook setup - How to tell the difference between fake farmville messages and real ones!

Over the past three days, most probably have noticed a few of the people protesting about Facebook's new setup, for example, the no showing similar post protest.

You have probably, on a few occasions during that moment of excitement, clicked on what looked like a collectible that you needed.  All this collectible was is just a way for spammers to share spam with all your friend's, no priceless rare collectable was even produced and you knew you where just scammed.  Worse yet, you posted it and a few other people clicked on share before you could take it off your wall.

Now with FaceBooks new setup, whenever somebody tries to distribute these so called collectibles, it just groups them into their own catagory.  So now you may have noticed that the fake collectible messages are non-exsistant now, because since it is not a farmville news feed:

ritenta sarai + sfigato
Yesterday at 8:41am · · · Share <- note this says share, not find collectible
It will not group itself with the other farmville news feeds, thus, confusing the other facebook users.   One way to make sure that a news feed is real is to look in the bottom left hand corner of the message for this icon: 
This icon also helps facebook identify the news feed, and group them together the way they are now.  So now when somebody tries to share fake collectibles, it only groups that into one.  This is the main reason why you see so many people upset about the facebook grouping.  Myself personally, I love it, it makes the games that facebook has to offer much easier to play.

Note: If you do not like seeing the game messages that your friends are playing in the newsfeed, you can block any notices about the games without actually blocking the user.  You just simply hold the mouse over your friend's name, click on hide located in the top right hand corner of the message.  You will than see a message asking if you would like to hide the user or hide any messages from farmville, fishville, etc...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Gifting a item that you do not have on your wish/gift list

In the past it seemed as if sometimes farmville would let you gift an item you did not have on your wish/gift list and other times they wouldn't.  The past few days it seemed to have been working a little more than usual, but today I think they finally fixed it.

My sister asked for a harness for her stable, and than her stable would be complete.  At first if you tried gifting something they wanted it only brought you to your own list, and all I had was a nail and horseshoe.  Today it worked, at last, thank you farmville.  So if any of you in the past where unable to gift something to your friend, now you can. 

Now when you click that Give to Friend link, the next page will show the time, the friend and you can click on send.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

How to get people to gift you items for your horse stable

Asking for items so you do not use your farmville bucks can be a job in itself.  You post to the wall, and if your lucky maybe somebody will send you one picket fence or a brick for your horse stable.

How to get somebody to send you everything you need is to first gift it to them.  Lets say you just got an idea to make a decoration with some flax leaves but nobody seems to be sending them to you. You think fifteen of them should do the trick yet every wish you make is maybe answered one or two times. 

First you need to gift them to as many friends as you can, and than as long as they know what they are doing, they will send you a thank you gift.  This will send the gift right back to you.  Now you should probably have more than enough of those flax leaves.

This sometimes annoys people, and they won't gift the item back.  What they have to try to remember is being in our position at one time or another and begging for that last horseshoe to complete their stables.

FarmVille Co-Op Farming Cheats - How to get the gold in 12 hours

Farmville's Co-Op farming is here, and farmville lovers are in a frenzy to earn those extra coins.

First you need at enough plots to do this, if you do not have the big ole plantation, than you need at least one or two more friends.  Of course this also depends on the size of each of your friends plantations.  It is also best that you start out with a clean slate, nothing should be started or grown yet.

After you complete a job, preferably one that will let you seed half of you plants before you start the next job.

Lets say you have already started a co-op planting tulips, and half of your plots will be enough to finish your co-op before starting the next one.  How the co-op farming works is that you need to seed the same amount of tulips that you are going to harvest.

Lets say there are three team members and each member has 1,000 plowed plots with 500 already seeded and ready to harvest before you joined the project.  Next you will need to seed the other 500 plots after you join before you harvest your first 500.  Otherwise when you harvest those tulips, they will not be counted for that job.

The team members of course have to plan this ahead of time but when done correctly you could potentially seed, harvest and win the gold in a in just twelve hours.

Why do people trap their avatars in haybales on farmville - How to speed up your farm and still earn more coins

When you visit somebodies farm, you noticed that a large number of players seem to trap their avatars in hay bales.  The reason for this is so that you do not have to wait for your avatar to walk from plot to plot and than over to a chicken coup, which is really annoying when the player is level 70 and has a big ole plantation.

As you can see from mine, I prefer to trap my avatar in a more scenic setup.  This is my dream flower garden.  You may think that your wasting good plot and animal space by doing this, but you may not realize you can earn just as much XP and coins just by decorating, and yes growing your dream garden.  Now with my avatar trapped, I can harvest and my friends and neighbors can fertilize at a quicker speed.

To many animals slows the game down, this site is what I call the nightmare farm.  All those chickens makes it nearly impossible to visit this person's farm, even being a bit painful with 2gigs of memory on a 2.5ghz processor.

The less sounds and movement you have on your farm, the better your game will load and run at a much smoother rate.  Turning off the music and sound helps when you are playing and visiting other sites.  This way you do not have to wait for each cluck, moo and neigh to download for you to listen to.

With the co-op farming now, you can harvest and earn plenty.  As I go along and wait for my chicken coop size to grow, I only save the better chickens.  Eventually I sell any free ranging white chickens.

A mathamatical way to see it more profitable is as follows:

16 white chickens are worth 128 coins
        16 chickens
        x 8 coins
       =128 coins

16 chickens could potentially fit into one plowed plot
1 white chicken is worth 8 coins (8x16=128)
1 brown chicken is worth 16 coins (16x16=256)
1 black chicken is worth 32 coins (32x16=512)
1 gold chicken is worth 64 coins (64x16=1024)

This method of farming does not give you as many mystery eggs, but how many mystery eggs do you actually need?  You may not get as many mystery eggs, but personally I think the mystery gift in the white egg is the most annoying.  Usually you just get another white chicken, wohoo eight more coins a day.

Being a bit new to farmville myself, sometimes I'm unable to understand a few things.  For example, what good is harvesting a bunch of gold chickens for more golden eggs.  You may be able to get more neighbors doing this because they can hatch more golden eggs, but where do you have room to put any decorations...the chickens are using up your space.

On the left of my blog you will notice a yellbox, feel free to ask me about something in farmville and I will all that I can to find out for you and post it.