When you visit somebodies farm, you noticed that a large number of players seem to trap their avatars in hay bales. The reason for this is so that you do not have to wait for your avatar to walk from plot to plot and than over to a chicken coup, which is really annoying when the player is level 70 and has a big ole plantation.
As you can see from mine, I prefer to trap my avatar in a more scenic setup. This is my dream flower garden. You may think that your wasting good plot and animal space by doing this, but you may not realize you can earn just as much XP and coins just by decorating, and yes growing your dream garden. Now with my avatar trapped, I can harvest and my friends and neighbors can fertilize at a quicker speed.
To many animals slows the game down, this site is what I call the nightmare farm. All those chickens makes it nearly impossible to visit this person's farm, even being a bit painful with 2gigs of memory on a 2.5ghz processor.
The less sounds and movement you have on your farm, the better your game will load and run at a much smoother rate. Turning off the music and sound helps when you are playing and visiting other sites. This way you do not have to wait for each cluck, moo and neigh to download for you to listen to.
With the co-op farming now, you can harvest and earn plenty. As I go along and wait for my chicken coop size to grow, I only save the better chickens. Eventually I sell any free ranging white chickens.
A mathamatical way to see it more profitable is as follows:
16 white chickens are worth 128 coins
16 chickens
x 8 coins
=128 coins
16 chickens could potentially fit into one plowed plot
1 white chicken is worth 8 coins (8x16=128)
1 brown chicken is worth 16 coins (16x16=256)
1 black chicken is worth 32 coins (32x16=512)
1 gold chicken is worth 64 coins (64x16=1024)
This method of farming does not give you as many mystery eggs, but how many mystery eggs do you actually need? You may not get as many mystery eggs, but personally I think the mystery gift in the white egg is the most annoying. Usually you just get another white chicken, wohoo eight more coins a day.
Being a bit new to farmville myself, sometimes I'm unable to understand a few things. For example, what good is harvesting a bunch of gold chickens for more golden eggs. You may be able to get more neighbors doing this because they can hatch more golden eggs, but where do you have room to put any decorations...the chickens are using up your space.
On the left of my blog you will notice a yellbox, feel free to ask me about something in farmville and I will all that I can to find out for you and post it.
Installing Android-x86 4.4 and/or 5.1 on your desktop - PART #2
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8 years ago