Lastnight farmville introduced their limited edition Island Theme to give you that feeling of being on vacation. Tonight they offered a few more items to go with the theme. What is nice this time around is that you can purchase a few extra items with coins, unlike the tuscan theme where you could only purchase one building.
There is the new co-op mission, a tea party, grow tea and sugar cane and the prize is a tea party. Don't forget that these are hints, like the frantic for flowers where you recieved the wedding gezebo, hint hint. Also, do not forget to check out the limited edition flowers, pink hibiscus and the flamingo flowers.
I sure do hope they come out with the underground storage that I heard about, the one that allows 200 items to be stored because most of these limited editions end up being sold. How many of you actually save every limited edition item? What does limited edition on farmville mean besides that in a week to 30 days you are unable to purchase it again? Does it mean that they will be worth fv cash down the road? The longer I save it the more it is worth like a cabbage patch doll or beanie baby? Uhoh I think farmville was just given a new idea, LOL!
Installing Android-x86 4.4 and/or 5.1 on your desktop - PART #2
Sometime back I posted on how to dual boot android with other operating
systems, the instructions mainly were for Ubuntu, these instructions are
for thos...
9 years ago